Teaching in our Schools
Catholic education is also evangelization: bearing witness to the joy of the Gospel and its power to renew our communities and provide hope and strength in facing wisely the challenges of the present time.
- Pope Francis
Teaching in a Catholic school is more than just a job. It is a vocation – something that you feel called to do and are passionate about. There are many benefits in working at a Catholic school. Here are some reasons to consider what God is calling you to do.
Benefits of working in a Catholic School
- Teach the WHOLE child – mind, body, and spirit
- Live and share your faith, not just your area of expertise
- Attend Mass regularly
- Smaller class sizes
- Partner with parents in the success of their child
- Be of service to others

“Catholic education is really an investment in the lives of our students, certainly for their academic success, but more importantly, for their walk with Christ.
One of the greatest privileges I have as a Catholic school teacher is the opportunity to journey with my students through a year of their life; throughout this experience, I’m given the chance to be a part of their formation, to help prepare them for their mission, whatever call the Lord may place on their lives.”
Brittany May – Elizabeth Ann Seton Award Winner, 2022
Our Academics
We have high standards
Our Curriculum
Broad and challenging
Teacher Licensure
Teachers in the Diocese of Richmond must be licensed through either the Virginia Department of Education (VDOE) or the Virginia Catholic Education Association (VCEA). Visit our licensure page to find out more about our licensing requirements.
Religion Teacher Certification
While we do not require all of our teachers to be Catholic, we do require that those who teach religion are Catholic. All newly hired religion teachers, and those new to teaching religion, must complete Pathways through our Learn Portal. In addition, as our faith is woven into every facet of our schools, it is important to foster the community of faith among each other. Ongoing formation hours must be completed each year to keep religion certification active.
In their own words...
A rewarding career as a Catholic school teacher may sound ideal. Below, our faculty share their perspective as educators, the impact they have, and the difference they make in the lives of their students.