Share Your Passion
Do you want to make a difference in the life of a child, school, or community? Our schools rely on the generous support of our school families, parishioners, alumni, and donors to serve our students. Share your passion for Catholic education by praying, contributing, and volunteering. We are grateful for your support!
“When you positively impact the life of a child, you positively impact the lives of every person that child will encounter throughout their entire lives.”
Margaret Keightley,
Executive Director Catholic Community Foundation of the Diocese of Richmond &
McMahon Parater Scholarship Foundation
How you can strengthen, support, impact, encourage, inspire Catholic students today....
Pray For Our Students And Teachers
Your Prayers Are Life-Giving
Keeping us in your prayers offers much needed support and grace to provide a Catholic education to our students.
Click to pray with us
Volunteer To Help Our Schools
Sharing Time And Talent With Students
Your support is vital to the operations of our schools.
Click to learn more
Invest In Our Schools
Contributions to Catholic Education
Your financial support ensures the development of faith-filled student leaders.
Click to contribute today

Thank you for your generosity and support of Catholic Education
You make a profound difference in the lives of our students and their families. As our students strive to grow in wisdom and grace, we continue to pray for God’s blessings to pour forth in your life as well.
May our Lord Jesus Christ, continue to provide for us all.